Open access

Taylor & Francis. Open access books

Publishing house Taylor & Francis launched the Open Access Book program in 2013, under which it publishes books, monographs, conference proceedings, textbooks, and chapters in the public domain. The publishing house's portfolio includes more than 1,600 publications and 18,540 chapters in the field of humanities, social, behavioral sciences, local history, politics and international law, economics and finance, environment, geography, education, art, computer science, medicine, etc.

Access to publications is provided through the Taylor & Francis eBooks platform, which offers users a wide range of search capabilities, including selection of publications by thematic collections and publishers: Routledge, CRC Press, Chapman and Hall/CRC, Routledge India, Taylor & Francis, Auerbach Publications, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Informa Law from Routledge, Birkbeck Law Press and Psychology Press.

Some of the publisher's books are available through the Google Scholar search engine and the Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN) online library.